
Pictures presenting our team members during project activities, software, instruments and devices developed

System testing: ultrasound Endoscopy with hybrid imaging and navigation – Ponderas Academic Hospital

A new catheter with 6DOF electromagnetic navigation sensor, and rotation correction

ENDORO robot – version 2 – testing (Laboratory of Microtechnology and Medical Engineering, INCESA, University of Craiova, Romania)
ENDORO robot – version 2 and 3 – manufacturing (Laboratory of Microtechnology and Medical Engineering, INCESA, University of Craiova, Romania)

System testing – Norway

  1. ENDORO Robot v2 – testing on a flexible phantom, with planning and visualisation using iMTECH software and the motors control using a a joystick (movie here) (movie here)
  2. ENDORO Robot v3 – testing on a rigid lung phantom, with planning and visualisation using iMTECH software and the motors control using a Node-Red application (movie here)
  3. Research in the spotlight (movie here)

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