Scientific Papers

  1. Reidar Brekken, Erlend Fagertun Hofstad, Ole Vegard Solberg, Geir Arne Tangen, Håkon Olav Leira, Lucian Gruionu, Thomas Langø, Accuracy of instrument tip position using fiber optic shape sensing for navigated bronchoscopy, MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS, 2023
  2. Gabriel Gruionu, James Baish, Sean McMahon, David Blauvelt, Lucian G. Gruionu, Mara Onita Lenco, Benjamin J. Vakoc, Timothy P. Padera, Lance L. Munn, Experimental and Theoretical Model of Single Vessel Minimally Invasive Micro-Laser Ablation: Inducing Microvascular Network Remodeling and Blood Flow Redistribution Without Compromising Host Tissue Function – under review, Nature, 2023
  3. Veronica Manescu (Paltanea), Gheorghe Paltanea, Aurora Antoniac, Lucian Gheorghe Gruionu, Alina Robu, Marius Vasilescu, Stefan Alexandru Laptoiu, Ana Iulia Bita, Georgiana Maria Popa, Andreea Liliana Cocosila, Vlad Silviu, Anca Porumb, Mechanical and Computational Fluid Dynamic Models for Magnesium-Based Implants, MATERIALS, 2023
  4. Karen-Helene Støverud, David Bouget, Andre Pedersen, Håkon Olav Leira, Thomas Langø, Erlend Fagertun Hofstad, AeroPath: An airway segmentation benchmark dataset with challenging pathology, ARXIV -COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CS.CV); MACHINE LEARNING (CS.LG), 2023
  5. Lucian Gheorghe Gruionu, Anca Loredana Udriștoiu, Andreea Valentina Iacob, Cătălin Constantinescu, Răzvan Stan, Gabriel Gruionu, “Feasibility of a Lung Airway Navigation System Using Fiber-Bragg Shape Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer”, Accepted for publication in PLOS-ONE.
  6. Elena Adriana Dumitrescu, Irina M Cazacu, et al. “Diagnostic Value of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Endoscopic Ultrasound for Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Diagnostics 12, no. 2 (2022): 309.
  7. Ben S. Singh, Irina M. Cazacu, Carlos A. Deza, Gabriel Gruionu, Lucian Gruionu, Kristy K. Brock, Eugene J. Koay, Joseph M. Herman, Adrian Saftoiu, Manoop S. Bhutani. “Image Fusion Involving Real-Time Transabdominal or Endoscopic Ultrasound for Gastrointestinal Malignancies: Review of Current and Future Applications for Treatment Planning and Image Guided Radiation Therapy”. Submitted to Diagnostics. Under review. 
  8. Cristina Trocin, Jan Gunnar Skogås, Thomas Langø, Gabriel Hanssen Kiss. “Operating Room of the Future (FOR) Digital Healthcare Transformation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. In: Digital Transformation in Norwegian Enterprises, Springer Nature, 2022, 6:16 (pages: 151). 
  9. Smit JN, Kuhlmann KFD, Ivashchenko OV, Thomson BR, Langø T, Kok NFM, Fusaglia M, Ruers TJM. «Ultrasound-based navigation for open liver surgery using active liver tracking»International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2022, 5:27:1-9.
  10. Survarachakan S, Prasad PJR, Naseem R, de Frutos JP, Kumar RP, Langø T, Cheikh FA, Elle OJ, Lindseth F. «Deep learning for image-based liver analysis-A comprehensive review focusing on malignant lesions». Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2022, 6:9. 
  11. Kildahl-Andersen A, Hofstad EF, Peters K, Van Beek G, Sorger H, Amundsen T, Langø T, Leira HO. «A novel clip-on device for electromagnetic tracking in endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy». Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, 2022, 6:24:1-9. 
  12. Vemund Fredriksen, Svein Ole M. Svele, André Pedersen, Thomas Langø, Gabriel Kiss, Frank Lindseth. “Teacher-Student Architecture for Mixed Supervised Lung Tumor Segmentation. Electrical Engineering and Systems Science”, Image and Video Processing, arXiv:2112.11541, Submitted on 21 Dec 2021.
  13. Bouget D, Pedersen A, Vanela J, Leira HO, Langø T. “Mediastinal lymph nodes segmentation using 3D convolutional neural network ensembles and anatomical priors guiding”. Accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 2021.
  14. Udristoiu, AL, Cazacu, IM,  Gruionu, LG, Gruionu, G, Iacob, AV,  Burtea, DE, Ungureanu, BS, Costache, MI, Constantin, A, Popescu, CF,  Udristoiu, S, Saftoiu, A, “Real-time computer-aided diagnosis of focal pancreatic masses from endoscopic ultrasound imaging based on a hybrid convolutional and long short-term memory neural network model”, PLOS ONE, Volume16, Issue 6, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0251701, 2021.
  15. Vasile, CM, Udristoiu, AL,  Ghenea, AE,  Popescu, M,  Gheonea, C, Niculescu, CE, Ungureanu, AM,  Udristoiu, S, Drocas, AI, Gruionu, LG, Gruionu, G, Iacob, AV, Alexandru, DO, “Intelligent Diagnosis of Thyroid Ultrasound Imaging Using an Ensemble of Deep Learning Methods”, MEDICINA-LITHUANIA,  Volume57, Issue 4, DOI10.3390/medicina57040395, 2021
  16. Anca Loredana Udristoiu, Daniela Stefanescu, Gabriel Gruionu, Lucian Gheorghe Gruionu, Andreea Valentina Iacob, John Gasdal Karstensen, Peter Vilman, Adrian Saftoiu, „Deep Learning Algorithm for the Confirmation of Mucosal Healing in Crohn’s Disease, Based on Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy Images”, JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES 2021/3/12, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, pg. 59-65.
  17. Gruionu, LG, Stan, RS, Udristoiu, AL, Iacob, AV, Udristoiu, S, Constantinescu, C, Gruionu, G “Robotic electromagnetic and optical navigation platform for minimally invasive surgical interventions”, Acta Technica Napocensis Series-Applied Mathematics Mechanics And Engineering, Volume64, Issue1, Page 351-356 Special Issue: S12, 2021.
  18. Elena Adriana Dumitrescu, Irina M Cazacu, et al. “Diagnostic Value of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Endoscopic Ultrasound for Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Diagnostics 12, no. 2 (2022): 309.
  19. Emil Nutu, Daniel Vlasceanu, Dan-Mihai Constantinescu, Lucian Gruionu, Stefan-Dan Pastrama, EFFECT OF CATHETER STIFFNESS ON THE HAPTIC FORCES IN LUNG BIOPSY: A FINITE ELEMENT EVALUATION, 9th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Hungary, 2023, oral presentation.
  20. GRUIONU LUCIAN GHEORGHE, et al., Design and initial feasibility testing of a novel catheter navigation robot, CARS 2024
  21. Lucian Gruionu, Lung airways navigation system using shape sensing and artificial intelligence, BIOREMED, 2023
  23. Lucian Gruionu, „Endovascular/lung procedures using a robotic system”, oral presentation, Second edition of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering, CARE 2022,
  24. Langø T. Lecture to surgeons specialization course advanced laparoscopy. Lecture topic: «AI and robotics in minimally invasive surgery». November 4, 2022.
  25. Lucian Gruionu – Invited Speaker, Image-guided systems for medicine, 9th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2022 
  26. Lucian Gruionu, A novel smart assisting robotic catheter SYSTEM for endovascular/LUNG interventions, 8th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Greece, 2022, oral presentation.
  27. Emil Nutu, Stefan-Dan Pastrama, Lucian Gruionu, Dan-Mihai Constantinescu, Explicit dynamics simulation of the catheter movement during bronchoscopic sampling of pulmonary nodules, oral presentation, 8th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Greece, 2022
  28. Real-Time Computer Aided Detection Of Solid Focal Pancreatic Masses In Endoscopic Ultrasound Imaging Based On Convolutional Neural Networks” – accepted for presentation at ESGE Days 2022
  29. Real-Time Computer Aided Detection Of Solid Focal Pancreatic Masses In Endoscopic Ultrasound Imaging Based On Convolutional Neural Networks” – accepted for presentation at ESGE Days 2022
  30. Udristoiu A, Constantinescu C, Cazacu IM, Gruionu LG, Gruionu G, Iacob AV, Burtea DE, Constantin AL, Podina N, Bejinariu N, Udristoiu S, Surlin V, Copaescu C, Saftoiu A, “Real-time computer aided detection of solid focal pancreatic masses in endoscopic ultrasound imaging based on convolutional neural networks”, GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, Volume 95, Issue 6, Page AB538-AB538, Supplement S, Meeting abstract, 2022.
  31. Constantinescu C, Udristoiu A, Gruionu LG, Pirici, D, Gruionu G,  Iacob AV, Udristoiu S,  Surlin V, Ramboiu S, Saftoiu A, “Deep learning assessment of inflammation and angiogenesis in liver steatosis as an accurate predictor of liver surgery complications” GASTROENTEROLOGY, Volume162, Issue 7 Page S1272-S1272, SUPPL, Meeting Abstract, 2022, oral presentation.
  32. Langø T. Lecture to Norwegian Doctors Union, Vestfold. AI analysis of medical images. Tønsberg, Norway, Dec. 6, 2021.
  33. Langø T. Lecture at course for Norwegian Radiologists, RADFORSK Course. 2021, 20-22 October. Trondheim, Norway.
  34. Langø T. Lecture to surgeons specialization course advanced laparoscopy. Lecture topic: AI and robotics in minimally invasive surgery. November 5, 2021.
  35. Emil Nutu, Daniel Vlasceanu, Dan-Mihai Constantinescu, Lucian Gruionu, Stefan-Dan Pastrama, “Finite Element Simulation Of The Catether Movement In Transbronchial Biopsy”, 37th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21−24 September 2021, Linz, Austria,,
  36. Langø T. Ultrasound and image-guided interventions. KeyNote Lecture at the annual iSMIT (International Society for Medical Innovation and Technology) congress, online, Chicago, December 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10, 2020.
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